Whether you live in Hawaii or Texas, blackouts are something you need to be prepared for. Blackouts can last anywhere from a couple of minutes to multiple weeks, and while major losses of electricity aren’t incredibly common, being unprepared during a rare instance when one does occur could be quite dangerous. Start building your emergency plan with some of these suggestions.

Use a Backup Generator

One of the best ways to be prepared if you lose energy is to have a backup generator. According to Home Stratosphere, there are a variety of different kinds of generators that you should think about. The main two categories are home standby and portable. A home standby generator is a generator that is built into your home and kicks on automatically when power is lost. A portable generator is more maneuverable and can be turned on at your leisure.

Both of these options have pros and cons so you should figure out what is best for your home, your location, and your preferences.

Energy Storage

Another great way to have energy in an emergency is to build up that energy throughout the day. According to Suntuity Solar, energy storage through a solar system can help you have more control over your electricity.

Basically, with certain kinds of solar-powered systems, you can charge banks of energy in your home that can be converted into energy at different times. There are a variety of methods for doing this including charging large battery-type structures or with supercapacitors.

Have Extra Charging Batteries for Phones

When it comes to blackouts, you must be able to keep your phone charged so you can communicate with others and stay connected. And even if you have a generator or other energy storage, it’s not a bad idea to have additional battery access for your phone specifically.

According to Gear Patrol, you should consider purchasing various types of portable chargers—some with more charge and some that are easier to carry around. Having these different options with multiple charges will ensure that you can stay connected during emergencies.

Being serious about emergency preparedness especially in situations with blackouts could save you a lot of pain and hassle down the road. But while doing your best to have energy in the case of a blackout is a huge and important first step, you should also think about other aspects of your emergency preparedness. For example, prepare emergency kits with extra food and water, blankets, and other supplies.

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